Ruki Documentation by “3Forty Media” v1.3.9


By: 3Forty Media | Follow me on Themeforest | Follow me on Twitter

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Plugins
  4. Demo Import
  5. Customizer
  6. - Home & Category Featured Posts
  7. Navigation
  8. Widgets
  9. Post Formats
  10. Theme Demos Setup
  11. Optimization (Page Speed/SEO)
  12. AMP
  13. Translate Theme
  14. Theme Customizations
  15. Theme Classes and Hooks
  16. Sources and Credits
  17. Changelog

Introduction - top

Thankyou for purchasing Ruki, I really hope you enjoy using Ruki as much as I enjoy developing it.

This document will help you get your theme installed and setup and get the most out of your theme but if you do have questions please leave a comment or send me an email via my profile page.

If you love Ruki, please take a moment to rate it or leave a comment or review, it really helps. Thanks so much!

Installation - top

Step 1

Once you have downloaded the zipped package to your computer, you will need to extract it to a location you choose. Then simply open that extracted folder and you will see, this is your theme, and we just need to install it.

Option 1. Wordpress Admin (Easy Method)

Login to your WordPress Admin and go to: Appearance > Themes.

At the top of the screen click Install Theme. Next at the top of the screen click Add New and then click the Upload Theme button at the top of the screen. Click the browse button and locate select it and press the Install Now button

Once installation is complete click Activate to activate the theme.

Option 2. FTP (Advanced Method)

Extract and upload the extracted Ruki folder to your wordpress installation themes folder /wp-content/themes/

Finally you need to activate the theme. Go to: Apperance > Themes and click Activate on the Ruki theme

Step 2 (optional)

Demo Data

If this is a fresh or first time installation you may find it helpful to import the data from the demo. I have supplied an XML file in your download that contains posts, comments and pages with the option to download associated media. To import this file go to: Tools > Import and Click Run Importer

Click the Browse button and locate the demo-data.xml file inside your download folder. Next click Upload file and import. Once the import is complete you will be asked if you would like to import media, this will download all the associated media for the posts and pages. It may take a a couple of minutes to download all the media so be patient.

All post images are from and are licensed for free or commercial use with attribution.

Step 3

Install Plugins

To get the most out of Ruki I have created a few custom plugins that you will need to download. There are also optional plugins that you might want to install. Once you have installed your theme you will be prompted to download and install the Ruki required plugins and some recommended plugins.

Click begin installing plugins. This will take you to the Install required plugins page. To begin installing plugins, check each plugin you want to install and select Install from the drop down menu. This will install your plugins.

Once installed go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click activate on each plugin you just installed.

Step 4

Regenerate thumbnails

Not required if you only have demo data

Now your theme is installed and you have downloaded and activated at least the essential plugins. At this point I recommend regenerating your thumbnails which will create the sizes we need for your theme without changing or deleting any other sizes you already have. Click Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails

In order to generate the sizes required by Ruki, you should ensure that your original images are large enough to generate the required sizes. Your original image should be at least 1600px wide and 1250px tall. If your original images are smaller than this, WordPress will generate whatever sizes it can with the size available.

All you have to do is click Regenerate Thumbnails for All x Attachments, then wait as your new thumbails are generated. Once complete you can view your homepage and see all your existing post thumbnails resized for your theme. Now you can head on over to the customizer and start updating settings.

Demo Import

Ruki includes many pre-built demos and optional demo content to help get you started. To install a demo

Note* If you have existing content you should click Switch to Manual Import to import just the settings. The required Widgets WIE file and Customizer DAT file are included in your full theme download

Plugins - top

Ruki Hero
This plugin displays hero content (posts) of our choosing on the homepage with optional slider

Ruki Featured Posts
Display featured posts on your homepage and category pages

Ruki Posts Widget
A highly customizable posts display widget.

Ruki Related Posts
Configurable related posts plugin

Ruki Social Plugin
A social media widget and content share plugin

Regenerate Thumbnails
This plugin enables you to batch resize all your thumbnails and feature images to the size used by Ruki. I highly recommend this plugin if you want to get the best out of Ruki.

All other plugins are supported by Ruki but it is your choice whether you install them or not

Customizer - top

Ruki comes with several theme specific customization options. These are located in the WordPress Customizer which can be located in Apperance > Customize. All Ruki options are labelled Ruki: Setting Name. These options allow you to configure your theme and turn on/off included features

All Ruki Plugin options can also be found here

We will go into more detail on some of these below, but before we do that lets look at the Site Identity setting and in particular choosing the correct logo for your blog.

Uploading your logo

Ruki is designed from the outset to support high resolution displays as standard. Whatever logo you upload Ruki will scale it down by 50%, this will then look great on high resolution displays. To ensure that your logo looks good across both standard and high resolution displays and at the size you want it to be, you need to upload a logo that is twice the size you want it displayed.

You can customize the size of your logo for desktop, tablet and mobile in:

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings

This will override the theme settings described above

Home & Category Featured Posts - top

Watch the Video

Ruki allows you to choose posts to feature in a custom loop on the homepage and in each category.

Configure the category featured display

In the new post/edit post page scroll down to Ruki: Featured Post. Check to display this post in the featured area for the category it is related to

To confgure the settings for category featured posts

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Category Featured Posts

Configure the home featured display

To confgure the settings for home featured posts

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts

Ruki has support for four menus: Appearance > Menus. At the very least you will need to create one Primary menu, other menus are optional

To create a new menu

  1. Click create a new menu and enter a name for your menu (I.e. primary Menu) and click "Create Menu"
  2. Select the categories, posts & pages that you want to add to the menu and and click "Add to Menu"
  3. Select a display location for this new menu (I.e. Primary Menu) and click 'Save Menu"

Primary Menu

The primary menu is located in the site header for the following header layouts:

Additionally within the slide out sidebar if you choose to which acts as your primary toggle menu on small devices.

The primary menu supports 3 levels of hierarchy Parent > Child > Grandchild and the slide out sidebar supports unlimited levels.

Toggle Sidebar Primary Menu

Located in the slide out sidebar and supports unlimited levels

Footer Menu

The footer menu is located on the right hand side of the footer

Split Menu

Ruki has an additional primary menu called a "split menu". The split menu is separated into Split Menu Left Items and Split Menu Right Items. Depending on the size of your logo and the length of menu links each menu supports up to 4 items each.

Split Menu is located only in the eader layout: Logo Split menu

To activate the split menu:

Apperance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Change the header layout to "Split Menu"

Once activated you will need to create your left and right menus if they do not already exist.

If you require more menu items and/or a large logo, you should change the header layout in the customizer to default.

Widgets - top

Ruki has 9 widgetized sidebars and a sidebar for each category supporting all standard WordPress widgets and all supported Plugin Widgets

To activate a widget go to: Appearance > Widgets and drag your widgets to the appropriate widget area. You can also manage your widgets inside the Customizer if you prefer.

Ruki includes two custom widgets

"In Loop" Sidebars

Each category and the homepage has it's own "In Loop" sidebar which you will find in the standard Widget Admin Page. Add your widgets as normal and then activate the sidebar display in the customizer

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Archive/Category Settings

Scroll to the bottom and select a widget position. This is the position within the loop that you want your sidebar to appear.

Supported Plugins & Widgets

Ruki includes styling for the following third party Plugins and Widgets.

Post Formats - top

Ruki supports 4 post formats

Depending on which format you select for your posts the content, images and embeded media is uniquely displayed. Lets look at them.

Select this format for standard posts, you can emebed media, galleries, images and video as normal.

The gallery format is ideal for gallery posts where you have images you want to showcase. This format adds a gallery icon to posts (if enabled). I recommend placing your primary gallery to the top of the post and disabling featured media, but you can apply your own configuration to gallery posts.

Select this format when you want to feature your embeded video in the featured header area of posts. If selected this format will take the first video/audio in your post and display it in the featured header area. Your first video/audio embed will then be removed from the post leaving your formatted text and any other media you have embeded.

You should upload a featured image to video posts as this will be displayed in archive loops.


The image format produces an alternative display style in archive type views. The entry header and meta data will overlay the post thumbnail. Image format works just like a standard post for single post view.

Theme Demos Setup - top

All theme demo's are different configurations of theme settings in the customizer, there are many possible combinations, more than are seen in the demos. Simply change the settings for each customizer panel to create the look you want. Experiment and have fun!

View Demo

General Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Logo Below Nav

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Style Default

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Thumbnail Aspect Ratio Uncropped

Footer widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column (1/2/3) Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Mailchimp: Sign-Up Form

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Ruki: Social Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Home Loop widget

Appearance > Widgets > Home Loop Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Once you have added your "In Loop" widgets go to:

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings

Scroll to the bottom and set the widget in loop position. This is the position within the the loop it will appear (E.g. The sixth item in the loop)

View Demo

General Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Logo Below Nav

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings Check: Display Sidebar

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Style Default

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Thumbnail Aspect Ratio Uncropped

Hero Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings Check: Full Width

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Style Hero

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Number of posts 4

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Number of slides to show 2

Configure the posts you want to display as you like and toggle meta displays

You will then want to add your widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Static Sidebar Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Footer widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column (1/2/3) Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Mailchimp: Sign-Up Form

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Ruki: Social Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Home Loop widget

Appearance > Widgets > Home Loop Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Once you have added your "In Loop" widgets go to:

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings

Scroll to the bottom and set the widget in loop position. This is the position within the the loop it will appear (E.g. The sixth item in the loop)

View Demo

General Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Logo Below Nav

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings Check: Display Sidebar

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Style Default

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Number of Columns 1

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Thumbnail Aspect Ratio Uncropped

Hero Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings Check: Display Hero

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Style Hero

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Number of posts 1

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Number of slides to show 1

Configure the posts you want to display as you like and toggle meta displays

Featured Posts Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts Check: Display Featured Posts

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts Check: Full Width

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts > Number of Posts 6

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts > Number of Columns 4

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts > Layout Carousel

Sidebar widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Static Sidebar Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Footer widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column (1/2/3) Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Mailchimp: Sign-Up Form

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Ruki: Social Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

View Demo

General Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Logo Below Nav

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings Uncheck: Display Sidebar

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Layout Grid

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Style Default

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Thumbnail Aspect Ratio Landscape

Featured Posts Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts Check: Display Featured Posts

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts > Number of Posts 3

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts > Number of Columns 3

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts > Layout Grid

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Featured Posts > Home Featured Posts > Thumbnail Size Landscape

Footer widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column (1/2/3) Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Mailchimp: Sign-Up Form

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Ruki: Social Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Home Loop widget

Appearance > Widgets > Home Loop Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Once you have added your "In Loop" widgets go to:

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings

Scroll to the bottom and set the widget in loop position. This is the position within the the loop it will appear (E.g. The sixth item in the loop)

View Demo

General Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Logo Below Nav

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings Uncheck: Display Sidebar

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Loop Display Type Custom Post Blocks

Post Blocks Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Homepage Post Blocks > Posts Block Check: Enable Blocks

Configure each block as you like.

Footer widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column (1/2/3) Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Mailchimp: Sign-Up Form

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Ruki: Social Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

View Demo

General Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Logo Below Nav

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings Uncheck: Display Sidebar

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Loop Display Type Custom Post Blocks

Post Blocks Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Homepage Post Blocks > Posts Block Check: Enable Blocks

Configure each block as you like.

Hero Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings Check: Display Hero

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Style Cover

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Number of posts 1

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Hero Settings > Number of slides to show 1

Configure the posts you want to display as you like and toggle meta displays

Footer widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column (1/2/3) Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Mailchimp: Sign-Up Form

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Ruki: Social Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

View Demo

General Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Header Settings Logo Below Nav

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Post Style Cover

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings > Thumbnail Aspect Ratio Uncropped

Footer widgets

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column (1/2/3) Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Mailchimp: Sign-Up Form

Appearance > Widgets > Footer Bottom Ruki: Social Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Home Loop widget

Appearance > Widgets > Home Loop Ruki: Posts Widget (configure as you like)

Add or replace these with any widgets you like

Once you have added your "In Loop" widgets go to:

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Theme Settings > Homepage Settings

Scroll to the bottom and set the widget in loop position. This is the position within the the loop it will appear (E.g. The sixth item in the loop)

Add this class to the home loop widget (you need to install the Widget CSS Classes plugin)


This widget will inherit the Special Widget color settings configured in Widget Color Settings below

Color Settings

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Color Settings > Header Colors Select the colors you like

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Color Settings > Widgets Select the colors you like

Choose your "Selected Widget" colour settings and footer widget colour settings if you want to match the demo

Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Color Settings > Footer Colors Select the colors you like

You can combine and configure your own layouts within the customizer and preview the changes before you publish them, have fun.

Optimization (Page Speed/SEO)

Out of the box Ruki is fast and on a good server will load in under 1 second. If you want to achveive the best score on Google Page Speed tests, GtMetrix and Pingdom this simple guide will show you how.

Google PageSpeed, GTMetrix & Pingdom scores can differ depending on your server speed, number of widgets & plugins.

Step 1

Install Autoptimize Plugin

Plugins > Add New > Search: "Autoptimize"

autoptimize plugin

Once installed activate the plugin

Configure Autoptimize settings

Settings > Autoptimize Or click the "Autoptimize" icon at the top of the page

Check the same settings you see in the below screen shots for best results and click "Save"


autoptimize tab


autoptimize tab


autoptimize tab Step 2.

Optimize Images

If you have not already, install "Regenerate Thumbnails" Plugin

1. Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Optimization Settings

2. Change "Image Quality" to 50 > Publish

3. Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails > Regenerate Thumbnails for All x Attachments

Step 3.

Upload an avatar

Appearance > Site Identity > Site Icon

It is important that you upload an optimized image (low file size)

That's it, now head on over to the Google PageSpeed Insights and run the tests.

Install and Configure AMP

Install AMP

  1. Go To Plugins → Add New. and search for AMP
  2. Download & Activate the Official AMP plugin
  3. There will now be a new AMP section in the main menu.

Configure AMP

  1. Go to AMP → Settings
  2. Check Reader in the Template Mode section
  3. Expand the Reader Theme tab & select AMP Legacy*
  4. Expand the Supported Templates tab and check Posts, Pages. Uncheck everything else.
  5. Click Save

* Ruki has a custom AMP theme which will be used instead of the Legacy Theme.

Theme Translation

Ruki is translation ready. This guide shows you how to translate your theme using the Loco Translate Plugin.

From within your Dashboard navigate to Plugins > Add New and Search for Loco Translate. Download and activate the plugin. You will then see a new "Loco Translate" section in the admin panel.

1. Loco Translate > Themes

All available themes will be listed. Click the theme you want to translate.

2. Click "New Language" (or click the language file if you are editing an existing translation)

new language

3. Choose a language from the drop down menu and click "Start Translating"

4. Select the text you want to translate

5. Type your translation in the bottom pane and click "Save"

Theme customizations

I have included a child theme on your download package called If you would like to customize your theme you may prefer to install the child theme via the same method described in the Installation section and make any changes you require directly to the child theme. The child theme will inherit all the functions and styling of the parent theme and leave you free to make any changes you need without affecting your main theme.

Theme Classes & Hooks

Ruki features lots of custom hooks. You can use these hooks to further extend theme functionality or add your own functions or widget areas.


To use a hook you will need to use the add_action function; for example to use the Ruki_after_header hook

function my_custom_function( ) {
	$var = 'var';
	echo esc_attr($var);
add_action('Ruki_after_header', 'my_custom_function', 10 );

Custom Classes



You will need to install the "Widget CSS Class" plugin. You can then add a class to widgets that you want to give a different background colour (Special Widget)

Once added you can change the colour settings in Appearance > Customize > Ruki: Colour Settings > Widgets

Header Subscribe Button


You will need to check "CSS Class" in the Screen Option tab at the top of the Menus page. You can then add a class to menu items in the CSS Classes field


Ruki uses several custom class in the Gutenberg editor:


This class adds quote marks to blockquotes and pullquotes. To add a class in the gutenberg editor. Click Advanced in the Settings Panel > Block Tab and add this class


This class adds an alternative style to unordered lists


This class adds an alternative style to orered lists

Sources and Credits - top

I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

Changelog - top

May 26, 2024 - Version 1.3.9

May 23, 2024 - Version 1.3.8

April 25, 2023 - Version 1.3.7

March 08, 2023 - Version 1.3.6

February 20, 2023 - Version 1.3.5

February 12, 2023 - Version 1.3.4

January 21, 2023 - Version 1.3.3

August 09, 2022 - Version 1.3.2

May 27, 2022 - Version 1.3.1

May 26, 2022 - Version 1.3

May 18, 2022 - Version 1.2.9

May 17, 2022 - Version 1.2.8

May 12, 2022 - Version 1.2.7

February 05, 2022 - Version 1.2.6

February 03, 2022 - Version 1.2.5

October 30, 2021 - Version 1.2.4

October 27, 2021 - Version 1.2.3

September 01, 2021 - Version 1.2.2

July 16, 2021 - Version 1.2.1

June 09, 2021 - Version 1.2.0

May 22, 2021 - Version 1.1.9

May 09, 2021 - Version 1.1.8

May 03, 2021 - Version 1.1.7

February 22, 2021 - Version 1.1.6

January 09, 2021 - Version 1.1.5

October 19, 2020 - Version 1.1.4

September 22, 2020 - Version 1.1.3

September 19, 2020 - Version 1.1.2

September 06, 2020 - Version 1.1.1

August 28, 2020 - Version 1.1.0

August 20, 2020 - Version 1.0.4

August 10, 2020 - Version 1.0.3

July 24, 2020 - Version 1.0.2

July 23, 2020 - Version 1.0.1

July 15, 2020 - Version 1.0

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